THC.CN | 844.842.6337 – Authorized Licensed Producer under the Cannabis Act.

Dry Flower

THC Sativa Landrace

Category: Dry Flower
THC Range: 18-24%
CBD Range: 0-1%

THC Indica Landrace

Category: Dry Flower
THC Range: 5-7%
CBD Range: 9-13%

THC Hybrid Landrace

Category: Dry Flower
THC Range: 18-24%
CBD Range: 0-1%

CBD Indica Landrace

Category: Dry Flower
THC Range: 5-7%
CBD Range: 9-13%

CBD Sativa Landrace

Category: Dry Flower
THC Range: 5-7%
CBD Range: 9-13%

Dragon's Lettuce
Premium Sativa

Category: Dry Flower
THC Range: 20+%
CBD Range: 0-1%


THC Kiss
Guava Shot

Category: Cannabis Beverage Shop
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss
Mango Shot

Category: Cannabis Beverage Shot
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss Strawberry

Category: Cannabis Gummies
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss Orange

Category: Cannabis Gummies
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss Cocoa

Category: Cannabis Biscuit
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss Cinnamon

Category: Cannabis Biscuit
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss Shortbread

Category: Cannabis Biscuits
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

THC Kiss Fruity Fusion

Category: Cannabis Gummies
THC Range: 9-10mg
CBD Range: <0.02%

Rolls & Cannasticks

THC Pre-Rolls

Category: Dry Flower Pre-Roll
THC Range: 5-24%
CBD Range: 0-13%

Cannabis Sticks

Category: Pure Cannabis Sticks
For more information on Cannasticks, email

Here at THC BioMed, we’re passionate about growing all our strains organically, with the purest of nutrients and without the use of pesticides or other exogenous chemicals.

You must be of legal age in accordance with the law of your province.

Are you 19 or older?